Salutations, First I like to state: I’m so grateful first we have our new President-elect Barack Obama stepping in to help and pull us out of this “Mini Depression”! We talk about tough times ahead and $100 dollar bills being handed out. When need more than that to pull us out. That $100 is just week’s worth of gasoline and a candy bar!
Our entire family resides in a Shelter while I finish my degree on-line, and my husband drive miles to support us while we all live in a night shelter. We deal with real life issues with our children-observing street mentally to survive another day. At night when they come in to the shelter they clutch their Nintendo DS close to them. When go to sleep they tuck them away in a pillowcase so nobody will slip them away! From a sociological perspective we are crashing fast and hard into the new millennium, I think we need to find a solution ASAP.
Monday, December 8, 2008
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Homeless Life
Greetings! Well my life has made a 360 degree turn around. We are homeless and living on the streets. Our children still go to the public school system. At night we go to the Night Shelter and stay with others who are in the same situation! When I can I will post pictures of our new life.
This oddest thing about this problem is when I did a photography project at TWU on the homeless. I did research on Dorothy Lange who was not homeless but that was her focus in photography. Little did I know that when I did a self portait of myself and children that if would be a reflection of our new way of living! Eerie foreshadowing!
This oddest thing about this problem is when I did a photography project at TWU on the homeless. I did research on Dorothy Lange who was not homeless but that was her focus in photography. Little did I know that when I did a self portait of myself and children that if would be a reflection of our new way of living! Eerie foreshadowing!
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Monday, April 28, 2008
Perspectives on Women's Health Final Blog

Final Blog: This is me finally feeling better after having Pnuemonia with my best cat buddy. Hope everyone has a great summer!
What I found most interesting:
Is the topic of Substance Abuse and it is considered a form of Self-Directed Violence upon ones self! From attending Alon-Non-meetings form an old boy friend, it’s discussed at these meetings from the Alcohol Anonymous that alcoholism is a disease.
I never thought substance was a form of this type of self-mutilation. I had even posted on my blogger an essay about this type of problem which plaques many individuals and we have a high failure rate on recovery.
In our course this semester another interesting topic is cardiovascular disease.
Another is the difficulty and significance of communication between ones healthcare provider, which is a very important role in ones life. I found it interesting that a woman who is a lesbian are sometimes afraid to communicate with their health care provider. This a serious issue as well substance abuse because becoming a doctor they have take a hypocritical oath to those they treat and not to make judgment upon ones on gender or abuse of ones self; nor, enough research in this area, because we are all one.
On our global perspective I found how massive the problems plaguing Africans, and India and other countries with the issue of AIDS. The value of women needs to be raised and have more empathy for all who are afflicted. This disease is taking the young, active sexual, and leaving the aged to take care the youngest children. On a multicultural level we need to raise question why are we letting this happen in these country and let the United Nations to do more on education.
Parting thoughts!
I find an injustice in our society, which allows a covert incest religious order to support child abuse; however, our government does have to have supportive evidence in order to charge one of such an offence. So I posted a blog on Texas Mormon Sect In Texas. I found no one felt the need to post on this subject.
Another interesting issue we need to push for modernizing and equality from these tyrant cultures that feel female circumcision is the best for a woman’s body. Women in underdeveloped countries are still living in oppression where women in the United States have advanced in many ways, others on the other hand others are still suffering cultural mutilation of their genitals.
One final thought was while I was surfing the TWU website I had never looked into the opportunities the Women’s Health Studies fields has to offer. This field has many careers that one can to support one and help woman in many areas. I would never looked into this if it hadn’t been for this class.
Monday, April 21, 2008
Substance Abuse Essay
Living Addicted
Living ones life in addiction is probably at first a blissful fun time into another realm; however, after the fun is gone then ones life turns into mush! The brain is a powerful organ system tied into the wonderful nervous system of ones body. Eventually the body from substance abuse becomes a broken down non-functioning brain. Families are left in shock because of their own children freezing to death in subzero weather because of using crystal methamphetamine or any mood altering chemical. Nursing homes and mental wards are full of the ones who are still alive, but the families are left behind to deal with the aftermath. The affects of an addicted person starts off where moral decisions are made for enjoyment but end causing one to live the rest of ones life in a pitiful mess.
Morally we were given the power to choose to either use our brains to make decisions all the way from the dawn of time. Consciously one doesn’t start out life deciding I’ll be an addict and ruin our entire life and our family! We normally don’t run out into the street to be hit by an automobile, and when we do, we usually learn not to repeat that type of action. Learning curves are taught to us as human beings as we are guide by ones parent; however, when one carries the gene for alcoholism or chemical dependency one is more prone to this disease to become an addict.
Enjoying life with using a bit a substance one doesn’t see the out come of addition and the harm it can cause. Probably one started off with just either taking a drink or doing prescription drugs or a bit of recreational drug use; thus, somewhere a metaphorical switch of an invisible line is crossed after prolonged usage and one becomes an addict to whatever substance one was using at the time. Also women are more prone to becoming chemically dependent than men because a women’s body composition is different from a man’s. No human being has immunity to this disease, because we all fair game to this illness. Unfortunately, when addiction occurs in ones life one becomes a terrible self-destructive train wreck reeking havoc through ones life and destroying others who are in his or hers path like a tornado running on a rampage.
Living ones life in a chemical fog becomes a downward spiral of dehumanization. In the beginning one can tolerate certain amount of chemicals; however, over time the dependency and the amount it take to squelch the thirst eventually can never be satisfy. So an individual will keep drug-seeking behavior till one can attain the high they need to fulfill the original satisfaction. The video on the emergency phone call to the operator, the young speed addicts can’t communicate where they are at and are having hallucinations, which ends in their deaths. Addiction leads towards a person forgetting to take care of their basic needs like putting on make-up, bathing, eating regularly, and it alters ones perception of reality. Sadly enough an addict slowly starts losing mental faculties and social habits where it affects ones self-esteem. Once this vicious cycle starts one has a difficult time getting off the chemical either because one is physically addicted or has a mental obsession to the point of total dehumanization of ones self. The part of the forebrain and brain stem falsely deceive one to keep seeking till either one either dies, institutionalized, jailed, dies, or develops a wet brain!
Hopefully one day maybe science will find a simple solution for those who suffer in this malady. There are support groups like Alcoholics Anonymous who offer a solution if one follows their Twelve Steps regimen. Treatment programs also help detoxify real serious issues with withdraw symptoms. One major step is for the person to admit they have a problem and then one can seek a solution; but one has to ask for help and then the journey may be a long tenacious up hill battle towards recovery.
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Texas Mormon Sect In Texas
Free Blogger
I just have to make a statement about these women in the Texas Mormon sect from San Angelo, whose children have been taken away. What an interesting subject! Why are the men letting the women do all of the talking instead them? This country does not recognize polygamy. These women are so brain washed; just as a pimp does the same to twist a young adolescent. This situation has no balance, but the children are the real victims! Please add your feedback.
I just have to make a statement about these women in the Texas Mormon sect from San Angelo, whose children have been taken away. What an interesting subject! Why are the men letting the women do all of the talking instead them? This country does not recognize polygamy. These women are so brain washed; just as a pimp does the same to twist a young adolescent. This situation has no balance, but the children are the real victims! Please add your feedback.
Saturday, April 5, 2008
Violence, Abuse, and Harrassment and Occupational Health
Blog #14
What can a woman do to reduce her risk of assault?
Here is a new update to this very issue, I found it on the
Women and Intimate Partner Violence is a huge crime against women globally. There are many levels and different situations every day that a women faces to reduce her risk of being assaulted. I feel a woman should learn to defend herself by taking a class in self-defense. Another way it to always carry a type of weapon like a taser gun or mace. One should always leave with someone when they go to ones can in a parking lot, or use a buddy system. Carry a cell or use a whistle but unfortunately you are never ever free of this terrible crime, which is almost committed every day of a women’s lifespan.
You can do certain things to help aid in reducing your risk, but you still may despite all that you do to prevent it, you still may happen no matter what you to do!
What can a woman do to reduce her risk of assault?
Here is a new update to this very issue, I found it on the
Women and Intimate Partner Violence is a huge crime against women globally. There are many levels and different situations every day that a women faces to reduce her risk of being assaulted. I feel a woman should learn to defend herself by taking a class in self-defense. Another way it to always carry a type of weapon like a taser gun or mace. One should always leave with someone when they go to ones can in a parking lot, or use a buddy system. Carry a cell or use a whistle but unfortunately you are never ever free of this terrible crime, which is almost committed every day of a women’s lifespan.
You can do certain things to help aid in reducing your risk, but you still may despite all that you do to prevent it, you still may happen no matter what you to do!
Substance Abuse
Blog #13
Is it a sign of personal weakness or strength for a woman to admit that she has a problem with alcohol or drugs?
I personally feel it is a sign of true strength to admit that you have a problem and not a weakness. One of the original programs of the Twelve Steps of AA is step #1. We admitted we were powerless over alcohol--that our lives had become unmanageable.
So one would think this program has worked for many addicts. After one has admitted they have a problem then, one can work on there issue! This has been the foundation of this very problem. So one has to be defeated and admit they have a problem for one to start correcting it!
Is it a sign of personal weakness or strength for a woman to admit that she has a problem with alcohol or drugs?
I personally feel it is a sign of true strength to admit that you have a problem and not a weakness. One of the original programs of the Twelve Steps of AA is step #1. We admitted we were powerless over alcohol--that our lives had become unmanageable.
So one would think this program has worked for many addicts. After one has admitted they have a problem then, one can work on there issue! This has been the foundation of this very problem. So one has to be defeated and admit they have a problem for one to start correcting it!
Mental Health
Blog #12
What should a woman do if she has a friend whom she suspects to have an eating disorder? What if the friend denies it?
“You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make him drink”
Knowing if someone has this disorder is really tricky because first off my friend in my younger days hid it pretty well. The real trick finding out was when she came in to see my Dentist that I was working for at the time! From an outward appearance she was just very thin; however, when he examine her oral cavity she had erosion of the enamel surface of all her chewing surfaces of her teeth. She claimed that it was because she use to suck on lots of lemons, but my employer said these were the signs of vomiting over and over, and the stomach acid had eaten away and pitted the enamel off her teeth.
Eventually, I did confront her but she denied it! I let her explain her rationale, but I told her what my Dentist told me and she finally admitted it. She said she had been like this for many years and said she was fine. My personal opinion is you can suggest they go get help and leave them information or give them some phones numbers. You can’t do much other than suggest!
My girl friend is still around and she has other problems now, but she is still very skinny and she can't seem to ever gain weight!
What should a woman do if she has a friend whom she suspects to have an eating disorder? What if the friend denies it?
“You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make him drink”
Knowing if someone has this disorder is really tricky because first off my friend in my younger days hid it pretty well. The real trick finding out was when she came in to see my Dentist that I was working for at the time! From an outward appearance she was just very thin; however, when he examine her oral cavity she had erosion of the enamel surface of all her chewing surfaces of her teeth. She claimed that it was because she use to suck on lots of lemons, but my employer said these were the signs of vomiting over and over, and the stomach acid had eaten away and pitted the enamel off her teeth.
Eventually, I did confront her but she denied it! I let her explain her rationale, but I told her what my Dentist told me and she finally admitted it. She said she had been like this for many years and said she was fine. My personal opinion is you can suggest they go get help and leave them information or give them some phones numbers. You can’t do much other than suggest!
My girl friend is still around and she has other problems now, but she is still very skinny and she can't seem to ever gain weight!
Friday, March 28, 2008
Cardiovascular Disease and Women
Blog 10
Is heart disease common in your family? What are some of the environmental, physical, cultural, socioeconomic , and educational factors that impact the prevalence of this disease?
Heart disease is very common in my family; because my father has already had a heart attack my mother has hypertension, also my brother has hypertension too. We just found out my oldest son has high blood pressure and the company in which he was trying to get hired won’t hire him till he get it under control. The Grandfather on my mother side died of an aorta aneurism by age 65 and my grandmother on my father side died of congestive heart failure by the age of 82. So I can say definitely yes that my family is prone to heart disease.
On the prevalence of this disease in my families history were not aware any problems till they were much older and the medical society started finding out the causes of this leading cause of death, which was especially true for the set of grandparents. My mother blood pressure was diagnosis by the time she was forty and she is dealing with it at this time.
Our social economical factors are the job force is finally is starting to look at employee’s from a different aspect if they are hiring person who are not fit to do the job, as well as health insurance companies. The nice part is for my son since the American Heart Association has made society aware of these issues, at their physical health before hiring has health my son to be aware that he has hypertension. Colleges studies just announced today on the NBC channel 5 news station that if one has a heart attack and they drive themselves or another drives them, they will a longer wait in the Emergency Room rather if they had arrived by an ambulance. Culturally our American society is changing rabidly learning not to eat out at fast foods and advocating exercise. Hopefully one-day women will not be on the leading list of heart disease!
Is heart disease common in your family? What are some of the environmental, physical, cultural, socioeconomic , and educational factors that impact the prevalence of this disease?
Heart disease is very common in my family; because my father has already had a heart attack my mother has hypertension, also my brother has hypertension too. We just found out my oldest son has high blood pressure and the company in which he was trying to get hired won’t hire him till he get it under control. The Grandfather on my mother side died of an aorta aneurism by age 65 and my grandmother on my father side died of congestive heart failure by the age of 82. So I can say definitely yes that my family is prone to heart disease.
On the prevalence of this disease in my families history were not aware any problems till they were much older and the medical society started finding out the causes of this leading cause of death, which was especially true for the set of grandparents. My mother blood pressure was diagnosis by the time she was forty and she is dealing with it at this time.
Our social economical factors are the job force is finally is starting to look at employee’s from a different aspect if they are hiring person who are not fit to do the job, as well as health insurance companies. The nice part is for my son since the American Heart Association has made society aware of these issues, at their physical health before hiring has health my son to be aware that he has hypertension. Colleges studies just announced today on the NBC channel 5 news station that if one has a heart attack and they drive themselves or another drives them, they will a longer wait in the Emergency Room rather if they had arrived by an ambulance. Culturally our American society is changing rabidly learning not to eat out at fast foods and advocating exercise. Hopefully one-day women will not be on the leading list of heart disease!
Thursday, March 6, 2008
"Nutrition, Exercise,and Weight Management"
Blog #9
How was the issue of food and weight discussed in your home?
Dealing with major issues with eating disorders is still a huge topic even today in my own parent’s home. Now my mother did have some valid points nutrition. She felt everything should be cooked from scratch and no junk food. So when we at the movies we were allowed popcorn but no artificial butter. She felt if you were over on the thick side then you were healthy. On when it came to my father, he was a strict about us eating everything on our plates. Daddy felt you should also eat all the seconds and thirds you could stand. There was one problem this family did at the dinner table and that was argued while you were attempting to enjoy your food. So gaining weight with him didn’t bother him till he became a Diabetic and he still is a food alcoholic.
Was it ever a control issue or a point of conflict for you?
Yes, I had to eat everything or else I would get into big trouble at the dinner table. It created many eating problems latter in my teenage years. I learned to chew my food and wait for a moment to place the food in a napkin and then be excused to go the bathroom where I would flush my extra food down the drain. Later as my weight increased I learned to exercise in excess to burn those unwanted calories. I’m just grateful for my first husband who taught me that I did not have to live that way.
How much influence do you believe your family has on the way you feel about food and your body today?
Yes, my family dynamics did influence how I eat and looked at my body.
That is an endless subject but I’m grateful for the therapist I had during my last pregnancy. When I had gain over 40lbs from my last baby I was miserable over my bodies appearance. He made me stand in front of a mirror and say I was loved the way that I look now and I would have to say that I love my self out loud. I had to learn how to eat healthier food groups and exercise. I did have to loose weight this last year because Diabetes runs so high in my family tree; however, I did it in a slow fashion over a year’s time instead of staving myself into nothing Today I’m more at peace with the way I look and content. No more do I have to starve myself to look at and fit into today’s extreme skinny fashion world.
"Menopause and HRT"
Blog #8
Menopause and HRT
#3 Interview a woman who has or is going through menopause and has decided to take hormones. Allow her to share with you the reasons she has chosen to take them and how she feels it is beneficial for her health.
This is a Self Interview of my journey into Menopause:
As we deal with learning these issues in this class. I’m still not sure if I have this rehabilitating disease called Osteoporosis, because about a year and a half ago I did have a bone density test and showed no signs of it; however, within the last year I keep breaking my bones and not one of the doctors has even suggested the possibility of Osteoporosis. Early in my Pre Menopausal life when I really knew that I was in the downward phase of my life. The doctor prescribes the use of the pill for me because of the hot flashes and night sweats. The pill seemed to do okay for a few months then a horrible nightmare began. I started having massive headaches and then when my period arrived I passed blood clots for days. My doctor told me to quick talking the pill and I decided not to take anything for the systems of Menopause, but just rather to deal with the heat flashes as they came.
I guess over time I’m just one of those women with the attitude of hormone replacement didn’t work for me. I felt it was just better to deal with the issues at hand, than to deal with unknown side effects of how my body would react to HRT. I have talked to many women who have gone through this journey and I felt I would deal with it this manner.
I still have other issues that I dealing with. The doctors just don’t seem to want to listen to me when I come in the ER. The county hospital has it’s own system and I have to wait till they deal with one issue at a time.
Just trying to get a Primary Doctor has taken about a month now, hopefully this week when I get to meet my first assigned doctor here at the county maybe now I will get to address these other issues.
Menopause and HRT
#3 Interview a woman who has or is going through menopause and has decided to take hormones. Allow her to share with you the reasons she has chosen to take them and how she feels it is beneficial for her health.
This is a Self Interview of my journey into Menopause:
As we deal with learning these issues in this class. I’m still not sure if I have this rehabilitating disease called Osteoporosis, because about a year and a half ago I did have a bone density test and showed no signs of it; however, within the last year I keep breaking my bones and not one of the doctors has even suggested the possibility of Osteoporosis. Early in my Pre Menopausal life when I really knew that I was in the downward phase of my life. The doctor prescribes the use of the pill for me because of the hot flashes and night sweats. The pill seemed to do okay for a few months then a horrible nightmare began. I started having massive headaches and then when my period arrived I passed blood clots for days. My doctor told me to quick talking the pill and I decided not to take anything for the systems of Menopause, but just rather to deal with the heat flashes as they came.
I guess over time I’m just one of those women with the attitude of hormone replacement didn’t work for me. I felt it was just better to deal with the issues at hand, than to deal with unknown side effects of how my body would react to HRT. I have talked to many women who have gone through this journey and I felt I would deal with it this manner.
I still have other issues that I dealing with. The doctors just don’t seem to want to listen to me when I come in the ER. The county hospital has it’s own system and I have to wait till they deal with one issue at a time.
Just trying to get a Primary Doctor has taken about a month now, hopefully this week when I get to meet my first assigned doctor here at the county maybe now I will get to address these other issues.
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Reproductive Tract Infections
Blog #7 STD"S
What would you tell a friend or loved one who suspected that she might have an STD but was afraid to get tested?
"Live and Let Live"
What would you tell a friend or loved one who suspected that she might have an STD but was afraid to get tested?
When talking about a personal issue about having an STD is a real serious question to ask a stranger, but if it is your friend then it might not be so hard. If you have a friend who you are extremely close to then it is not so hard to tell them. I would suggest they go to the public health clinic in there county, or go to their own personal doctor if they feel comfortable with them.
Many factors of holding off on going to a doctor for treatment can actually do more harm to themselves. I would let them know they don’t know what kind of disease or virus they may have been exposed too. Not getting treatment can be really serious and if they go and get help. That is one thing that I would insist upon. If I knew them and I had the gas and time I would ask them if they would want me to go with them.
You can only suggest things to people and if they don’t want to follow ones advice, then that is all you can do.
Many factors of holding off on going to a doctor for treatment can actually do more harm to themselves. I would let them know they don’t know what kind of disease or virus they may have been exposed too. Not getting treatment can be really serious and if they go and get help. That is one thing that I would insist upon. If I knew them and I had the gas and time I would ask them if they would want me to go with them.
You can only suggest things to people and if they don’t want to follow ones advice, then that is all you can do.
"Live and Let Live"
Should prenatal testing be routine for all pregnant women?

Blog #6
Prenatal Testing
Well I could discuss this topic for days! One of the reasons is that all test have their risks. Urine test really are not as high on the platform of risks, but taking blood can introduce bacteria into ones bloodstream and start a whole chain of problems; however, we do have a team of antibiotic to ward off such infection, but this still goes into the bloodstream and the infant does get a dose too.
Next we have the ultrasound procedures. With ultrasound you have some risks the level of exposure in very small amounts of radiation. The exposures to radiation are very small, but still you are exposing radiation, which are accumulative of through out ones lifetime. But that is if you a frantic hung up on radiology!
Now the prenatal testing is the taking of amniotic fluid during the gestation of the pregnancy. The reason is it’s one of the most serious procedures that a woman has to make. It may be simple for a Doctor to perform in his office; however, it has very serious risks behind it. One it can induce the onset of labor, can induce a bacterial infection to the woman and the infant. There are many factors that one has to choose to decide on this procedure. Pregnancy is first already a physically and emotional time throughout the three trimesters.
Now sharing my own personal views on it, I didn’t chose to do one on my first pregnancy because I was very healthy. On my last two pregnancies I was much older. The reason for this procedure wasn’t because I worrying over the possibility of having a Downs Syndrome infant, but rather that I could not survive the physical stress on my heart and kidneys. I actually had several Obstetricians refuse to take me because I was so high risk. But eventually I found a young doctor who took me on and make me feel safe through out these last two babies.
On the my delivery dates for both babies at about the eight month for each infant, they started drawing the fluid to determine if they could survive outside of the womb. The test they were looking for the development of their lungs or fetal lung maturation. On both babies every week I went in his office to have this test preformed; however, on each one of the test I started having some minor labor pains, but my body managed to not go into labor. But on both babies when I had the third amnio synthesis test, I started into labor and was admitted into the hospital for my cesarean section. They are considered premature infants and I have had to deal with developmental issues with these children. So as with any test or procedure, one should weigh the pros and cons and I'm a firm believer in most tests during pregnancy.
But in all it was well worth it!
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
"Contraception and Abortion"
1. Part(A) In what ways could someone's culture, beliefs and practices influence contraceptive decision-making?
This question is a definite Yes; Someone’s cultural belief’s can play a huge factor in ones contraceptive decision. I was taught not to allow religious preference to decide my fate; however, it did play a role in my life. Catholics are very strict on the birth control and abortion practices. I have actually had to make a serious decision in my life and with my body. My best friend, who had been my childhood friend, placed a value on my body and our friendship. I was in a bad spot and I choose to term my unborn child, she placed our friendship on the bartering table. I went ahead with my decision and she didn’t speak to me for months. Later when I couldn’t understand why she did this I confronted her. She stated ending our relationship was she because she was a devout Catholic and that is the reason she ended it.
1. PART (B) Provide thorough examples based on some of your readings and your own personal experiences. What were the beliefs about birth control/contraception within your own home and family?
Growing up, I learned about being responsible for my decision of using birth control. I experience problems with my parents and I was too young. Letting them know I was using birth control only aggravated my home situation. I was able to go to such wonderful clinics as Planned Parenthood off my bus route to get birth control. I learned from how not to get pregnant as a result of this clinic.
2. Interview a woman on her decision to have children or be "childless".
Recently in the ER I had plenty of women who I could interview! One person named Jane Doe, as we will leave her anonymous. She was the oldest and left responsible for helping to raise her siblings. Her mother never used birth control and felt the more children she had to more food stamps and money the State would fund. This left a bad taste in her mouth, which affected her out, look in having children for herself. She had one child and she told me she had her tubes tied. But what brought her in the ER along with me was she felt sick. The sad new for this young women is the news came down while several of us waiting on the County Hospital to get too us. This nurse just came right out and told her she was five months pregnant. Well needless to say we all heard a painful cry because she couldn’t really even term the baby because she was to far along. So us older gals just comforted her in it would all work out. But when you are the one in that spot its little hot! She went to the sonogram to be sure she didn’t have a tubule pregnancy. I did get to her when I checked out of the ER on the 13th of February and she informed me the baby was okay.
This question is a definite Yes; Someone’s cultural belief’s can play a huge factor in ones contraceptive decision. I was taught not to allow religious preference to decide my fate; however, it did play a role in my life. Catholics are very strict on the birth control and abortion practices. I have actually had to make a serious decision in my life and with my body. My best friend, who had been my childhood friend, placed a value on my body and our friendship. I was in a bad spot and I choose to term my unborn child, she placed our friendship on the bartering table. I went ahead with my decision and she didn’t speak to me for months. Later when I couldn’t understand why she did this I confronted her. She stated ending our relationship was she because she was a devout Catholic and that is the reason she ended it.
1. PART (B) Provide thorough examples based on some of your readings and your own personal experiences. What were the beliefs about birth control/contraception within your own home and family?
Growing up, I learned about being responsible for my decision of using birth control. I experience problems with my parents and I was too young. Letting them know I was using birth control only aggravated my home situation. I was able to go to such wonderful clinics as Planned Parenthood off my bus route to get birth control. I learned from how not to get pregnant as a result of this clinic.
2. Interview a woman on her decision to have children or be "childless".
Recently in the ER I had plenty of women who I could interview! One person named Jane Doe, as we will leave her anonymous. She was the oldest and left responsible for helping to raise her siblings. Her mother never used birth control and felt the more children she had to more food stamps and money the State would fund. This left a bad taste in her mouth, which affected her out, look in having children for herself. She had one child and she told me she had her tubes tied. But what brought her in the ER along with me was she felt sick. The sad new for this young women is the news came down while several of us waiting on the County Hospital to get too us. This nurse just came right out and told her she was five months pregnant. Well needless to say we all heard a painful cry because she couldn’t really even term the baby because she was to far along. So us older gals just comforted her in it would all work out. But when you are the one in that spot its little hot! She went to the sonogram to be sure she didn’t have a tubule pregnancy. I did get to her when I checked out of the ER on the 13th of February and she informed me the baby was okay.
Sunday, February 3, 2008
"Luv-Sun Rain King's Super Bowl Sunday 2008"

Well I have to share this Super Bowl Sunday about Luv-Sun Rain King this late morning. I woke up and told him I was ready, he gives his little kitty moan and yawns out with the little red tongue curling upward and he off the wait till I finish my small routing in the bathroom.
I always go for the coffee and see if I feel like eating a bowl of cereal or decide if I want to cook for myself. If the newspaper is already on the breakfast table I will go and just scan the front-page section. Why this morning I want to share this story which is really so simple but to me the most beautiful site for one to see.
I’m looking down at the paper and turn to see Luv-Sun Rain King sitting facing out the window looking at the old condemn cat house which was once a lovely housing from my cats. He is posed looking like the fines Doric temple from Greece. His neck is erected long and ears slightly jiggle with the slightest sounds. He hold always his right paw bent with an arch in it, as he sits with a straight angled line from his head down to bottom. Last but not least he has his tail curved wrapping around his body.
I call out his name and he turns to me as if he say’s I still looking for them to return and goes back to posed position at the window sitting in the chair. Once I start my return to the room where I must do my homework, he starts his decent off the chair and come following me. He stops to see the toy, which is at the leg of the sofa and looks up at me with these azure eyes, which show a purplish deep blue color, begging me to just give him a throw of the old toy. Of course one cannot deny his pleasure so early in the morning. I give it a toss and off he goes so happily playing with his paws with the big pounce for his plight at catching his prey.
Soon I’m back here getting things in order to start the journey for homework and he returns to my area with the toy for one more toss and I do. When he is finished he returns by my side his and assumes his position beside me and looks up at me with those beautiful blue eyes he so posses. You can feel his emotions by the way he looks up at you, and I know he tells me how much he loves me back as I tell him the same. I have been blessed once with a great Siamese as a young adolescent but not like this in my lifetime. He is truly the one of the Greatest Siamese of my lifespan!
Have an old picture of him but my camera is broke but is soon to be repaired.
I always go for the coffee and see if I feel like eating a bowl of cereal or decide if I want to cook for myself. If the newspaper is already on the breakfast table I will go and just scan the front-page section. Why this morning I want to share this story which is really so simple but to me the most beautiful site for one to see.
I’m looking down at the paper and turn to see Luv-Sun Rain King sitting facing out the window looking at the old condemn cat house which was once a lovely housing from my cats. He is posed looking like the fines Doric temple from Greece. His neck is erected long and ears slightly jiggle with the slightest sounds. He hold always his right paw bent with an arch in it, as he sits with a straight angled line from his head down to bottom. Last but not least he has his tail curved wrapping around his body.
I call out his name and he turns to me as if he say’s I still looking for them to return and goes back to posed position at the window sitting in the chair. Once I start my return to the room where I must do my homework, he starts his decent off the chair and come following me. He stops to see the toy, which is at the leg of the sofa and looks up at me with these azure eyes, which show a purplish deep blue color, begging me to just give him a throw of the old toy. Of course one cannot deny his pleasure so early in the morning. I give it a toss and off he goes so happily playing with his paws with the big pounce for his plight at catching his prey.
Soon I’m back here getting things in order to start the journey for homework and he returns to my area with the toy for one more toss and I do. When he is finished he returns by my side his and assumes his position beside me and looks up at me with those beautiful blue eyes he so posses. You can feel his emotions by the way he looks up at you, and I know he tells me how much he loves me back as I tell him the same. I have been blessed once with a great Siamese as a young adolescent but not like this in my lifetime. He is truly the one of the Greatest Siamese of my lifespan!
Have an old picture of him but my camera is broke but is soon to be repaired.
Saturday, February 2, 2008
Sex Education and Abstinence-plus!
Blog 4-- I feel Sex Education should be taught in the nation’s public schools and I feel abstinence-plus should be a must!
Teenagers already know these things by the time they get in elementary. Unfortunately kids are learning these things from television, and I’m referring to the commercials. The funniest one is the “Hi my name is Bob” and he is holds is hand and arm in a erect pose. Selling new Viagra for men. Children talk among themselves at school and you can do all you can as a parent with controls and by monitoring them but you can’t catch them all. With the negative tension I received from my mother about becoming a young adolescent, I learned everything the hard way. My peers taught me more than my mother. I really hate to tell the whole truth about how my life. Growing up as a teenager was not fun.
For those you have seen the Stephen King’s movie “Carrie” I could relate to a mother making you feel pretty much off with the whole experience.
My mother on the menarche was not a good at informing me about the birds and the bee’s. In fact she was just down right bad; however, in fifth grade she signed a permission slip to have the school health teacher show all girls and if the parents wanted the boys to be present then they could also sit in the film. Later after the film the teacher came around and would answer any questions about it. We were given a pamphlet, which was a very basic diagram of the female and male genitals. But when my first period came I was left in shock at and just sent into the bathroom and told to clean up and she handed my a big pad with the elastic belt for those old timely ones!
When it came down to anything to do with sex my mother would hand me a book or an article to read and that was as far as it went.
My mother explanation of intercourse was you laid besides each other and then you just got pregnant. Nothing else was, so my concept was pretty lame. It was only until a girl in High School told me the real facts!
The real truth about sex from my mother was shame base and you didn’t have sex until you were married and if you did it before then you were pretty much going to hell.
Teenagers already know these things by the time they get in elementary. Unfortunately kids are learning these things from television, and I’m referring to the commercials. The funniest one is the “Hi my name is Bob” and he is holds is hand and arm in a erect pose. Selling new Viagra for men. Children talk among themselves at school and you can do all you can as a parent with controls and by monitoring them but you can’t catch them all. With the negative tension I received from my mother about becoming a young adolescent, I learned everything the hard way. My peers taught me more than my mother. I really hate to tell the whole truth about how my life. Growing up as a teenager was not fun.
For those you have seen the Stephen King’s movie “Carrie” I could relate to a mother making you feel pretty much off with the whole experience.
My mother on the menarche was not a good at informing me about the birds and the bee’s. In fact she was just down right bad; however, in fifth grade she signed a permission slip to have the school health teacher show all girls and if the parents wanted the boys to be present then they could also sit in the film. Later after the film the teacher came around and would answer any questions about it. We were given a pamphlet, which was a very basic diagram of the female and male genitals. But when my first period came I was left in shock at and just sent into the bathroom and told to clean up and she handed my a big pad with the elastic belt for those old timely ones!
When it came down to anything to do with sex my mother would hand me a book or an article to read and that was as far as it went.
My mother explanation of intercourse was you laid besides each other and then you just got pregnant. Nothing else was, so my concept was pretty lame. It was only until a girl in High School told me the real facts!
The real truth about sex from my mother was shame base and you didn’t have sex until you were married and if you did it before then you were pretty much going to hell.
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
"Preventive Practices"
Blog #3 --"Words To Live By"
The old adage “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure” (Author Unknown)
Almost all medical practices are preventive. I have seen much in my life span and some Doctor’s are very sincere in helping one achieve optimum health. If I had to rate health practices on a scale from 1 thru 10. I would rate preventive practices on a scale of 9 because one needs to be fit to function in today’s society healthy.
Unfortunately I have tried to get a position in my health profession; however, since this wonderful year of 2008 I just can’t get ahead of the physical aliments of old age! So far I have been unable to get a job. No one wants to hire someone who sounds so sick over the telephone. But this is the card that has been dealt to me since I was in an auto accident.
I’m one to believe in prevent health care. I was taught to always brush my teeth twice a day and eat the right foods. My parents are firm believers one should see a Doctor annually once a year and see the Dentist twice a year to ward off any major health problems. Join a Gym and try to exercise at least two to three times a week. I already implement these health practices even though I don’t have health insurance.
The best thing one can do on a daily basis is to attempt too eat proper balance dietary nutrition and take vitamins. Get plenty of water and rest daily. Try to see a Doctor for regular check ups to ward off any condition early. Eat fresh fruits and vegetables and try not to over cook them. Stay away from these process foods and eat more fish. Exercise gives you a natural boost of energy and keeps the body toned. I have limited exercising since the car wreck but I still try to do stretches to keep my muscles for getting
There one thing that I almost forgot which is emotional health is just as important as your physical. Stress is a killer upon the body and can bring all kinds of illness. So my words of wisdom are walk slow, drink plenty of water, get satifactory rest and don't forget to Thank the Man Upstairs.
The old adage “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure” (Author Unknown)
Almost all medical practices are preventive. I have seen much in my life span and some Doctor’s are very sincere in helping one achieve optimum health. If I had to rate health practices on a scale from 1 thru 10. I would rate preventive practices on a scale of 9 because one needs to be fit to function in today’s society healthy.
Unfortunately I have tried to get a position in my health profession; however, since this wonderful year of 2008 I just can’t get ahead of the physical aliments of old age! So far I have been unable to get a job. No one wants to hire someone who sounds so sick over the telephone. But this is the card that has been dealt to me since I was in an auto accident.
I’m one to believe in prevent health care. I was taught to always brush my teeth twice a day and eat the right foods. My parents are firm believers one should see a Doctor annually once a year and see the Dentist twice a year to ward off any major health problems. Join a Gym and try to exercise at least two to three times a week. I already implement these health practices even though I don’t have health insurance.
The best thing one can do on a daily basis is to attempt too eat proper balance dietary nutrition and take vitamins. Get plenty of water and rest daily. Try to see a Doctor for regular check ups to ward off any condition early. Eat fresh fruits and vegetables and try not to over cook them. Stay away from these process foods and eat more fish. Exercise gives you a natural boost of energy and keeps the body toned. I have limited exercising since the car wreck but I still try to do stretches to keep my muscles for getting
There one thing that I almost forgot which is emotional health is just as important as your physical. Stress is a killer upon the body and can bring all kinds of illness. So my words of wisdom are walk slow, drink plenty of water, get satifactory rest and don't forget to Thank the Man Upstairs.
Sunday, January 27, 2008
"The Economics ofWomen's Health Care in theUnited States"
Blog # 2-- Just left Out When I Filed!
When I went to file for food stamps and assistance in my county I was shocked that my children could qualify for Medicaid but I was not eligible. They told me that I would have to go to the county hospital if any thing serious were to happen to me. What a shock I found in our system. They said that if I fought hard enough and could prove certain financial factors then they might reconsider. So I have had to go through Social Security Administration and file or be on TANF. You have to meet certain requirements in order to be eligible to receive these benefits.
While I two of my children have been on Medicaid, I have had to deal providers that are committing fraud and abusing the States Medicaid benefits. So why would one want to even go to one of these providers if all they are doing is giving minimal care. If you don’t know what is the correct procedure then how would one know that the provider is over charging the State and possibly doing unethical work on you. You don’t!
It is amazing how we had such a great country and yet women are still discriminated against. I have been looking for a full time Dental Assistant position but no one wants to hire me because I’m either too over qualified or to mature. If you were to go to a new Dentist office and look at their staff you would see that most of the staff are of younger age. It is amazing to see that we hire by what we look like rather than what our skills are.
Posted this reply a second time to this question:
Surprized yes!
I saw did not call me when I missed my appointment last year, when they knew that something was wrong. But it is my responsibility also to of checked back, but I thought they would called if something was wrong. I was a Diabetic apparently last year and have gone untreated, very sad for me. This last week or even two weeks back has cost me a lot in many ways. I had my feet swell, as well as lost of my vision. It was last week at the doctor's office that he told me I was Diabetic and my eyes and feet will get better once I get on insulin. Also, for my Female Well Exam, they did not have non-latex gloves to handle me, so I'm rescheduled for that too. I informed him, what if I had a heart attack in your office? Then you would have to handle me with nothing, or latex, which would kill me. This is a sad day indeed.
I find all of this surprising how a doctor could just let you go unaware as in my case untreated because I failed to return for an appointment. They felt that it was not there problem to call me, but my responsibility. It use to be if there was something wrong then they would call you, so if you don’t receive a phone call, then no news is good news. Where have we gone as society to treat human beings so poorly because we do not have insurance?
What are your feelings about the present state of health care in the US?
Now to really fuel me further is a person with Latex allergy, is the failure for doctor, staff and other personnel to either ignore reading the allergy on the chart or think it just doesn’t matter. I have become very aware of the grave issue of failure of the mis-handling of me. Time after time I have been ignored and touched by medical personnel with latex gloves because they just think that is not that serious. But I have to be the Evil one who throw a fit every time this happens and it is every time…. So I feel the present health care system is the US is in real trouble if one can’t read the history on the chart, which should be a priority before they walk into a room to even see the patient!
When I went to file for food stamps and assistance in my county I was shocked that my children could qualify for Medicaid but I was not eligible. They told me that I would have to go to the county hospital if any thing serious were to happen to me. What a shock I found in our system. They said that if I fought hard enough and could prove certain financial factors then they might reconsider. So I have had to go through Social Security Administration and file or be on TANF. You have to meet certain requirements in order to be eligible to receive these benefits.
While I two of my children have been on Medicaid, I have had to deal providers that are committing fraud and abusing the States Medicaid benefits. So why would one want to even go to one of these providers if all they are doing is giving minimal care. If you don’t know what is the correct procedure then how would one know that the provider is over charging the State and possibly doing unethical work on you. You don’t!
It is amazing how we had such a great country and yet women are still discriminated against. I have been looking for a full time Dental Assistant position but no one wants to hire me because I’m either too over qualified or to mature. If you were to go to a new Dentist office and look at their staff you would see that most of the staff are of younger age. It is amazing to see that we hire by what we look like rather than what our skills are.
Posted this reply a second time to this question:
Surprized yes!
I saw did not call me when I missed my appointment last year, when they knew that something was wrong. But it is my responsibility also to of checked back, but I thought they would called if something was wrong. I was a Diabetic apparently last year and have gone untreated, very sad for me. This last week or even two weeks back has cost me a lot in many ways. I had my feet swell, as well as lost of my vision. It was last week at the doctor's office that he told me I was Diabetic and my eyes and feet will get better once I get on insulin. Also, for my Female Well Exam, they did not have non-latex gloves to handle me, so I'm rescheduled for that too. I informed him, what if I had a heart attack in your office? Then you would have to handle me with nothing, or latex, which would kill me. This is a sad day indeed.
I find all of this surprising how a doctor could just let you go unaware as in my case untreated because I failed to return for an appointment. They felt that it was not there problem to call me, but my responsibility. It use to be if there was something wrong then they would call you, so if you don’t receive a phone call, then no news is good news. Where have we gone as society to treat human beings so poorly because we do not have insurance?
What are your feelings about the present state of health care in the US?
Now to really fuel me further is a person with Latex allergy, is the failure for doctor, staff and other personnel to either ignore reading the allergy on the chart or think it just doesn’t matter. I have become very aware of the grave issue of failure of the mis-handling of me. Time after time I have been ignored and touched by medical personnel with latex gloves because they just think that is not that serious. But I have to be the Evil one who throw a fit every time this happens and it is every time…. So I feel the present health care system is the US is in real trouble if one can’t read the history on the chart, which should be a priority before they walk into a room to even see the patient!
Friday, January 18, 2008
Women and Sexual Health
Blog #1
Here in my life I have gone through many changes and no one knows those journey's until you have crossed that bridge in life. My own mother was one who doesn't relate these personal issues to her daughter. I never really had a close relationship with her because these things were not talked about...especially sex!
Some where around age 44 I started going through the change of life and really had no one to share it with other than my husband. As far as my husband was concern he didn't have a clue as what I was going through other than when he came home and had found that I had cut off my hair and flung it across the yard for the bird to collect and make a nest out of it. He came inside the home to see who had possibly murdered me. He was is such shock to see me standing there with a pair of scissor and a look of freedom from the wave of heat that I had just gone through. He grab me and gave me a hug and said I think you need to be on hormones for a bit. Here was a man that did not have a clue as to what I was going on inside me but knew me well enough for me to of cut my hair off, new something was wrong. I was placed on birth control and things level out. But I didn't know what to do at this point in time.
Everything in my body was effected! The worst thing was I had no desire to even look at my husband for sex, and I was usually the tiger in our relationship. I could of even care less about it. I felt lost and lonely throught this physical change that you hear women say they can't wait to be through and don't miss there periods. The next phase was the night sweats and sleepless nights. So I ended up having to learn from the Internet and this was a great websit here that has given me some real insight to this path all women will face sometime in there life.
Here in my life I have gone through many changes and no one knows those journey's until you have crossed that bridge in life. My own mother was one who doesn't relate these personal issues to her daughter. I never really had a close relationship with her because these things were not talked about...especially sex!
Some where around age 44 I started going through the change of life and really had no one to share it with other than my husband. As far as my husband was concern he didn't have a clue as what I was going through other than when he came home and had found that I had cut off my hair and flung it across the yard for the bird to collect and make a nest out of it. He came inside the home to see who had possibly murdered me. He was is such shock to see me standing there with a pair of scissor and a look of freedom from the wave of heat that I had just gone through. He grab me and gave me a hug and said I think you need to be on hormones for a bit. Here was a man that did not have a clue as to what I was going on inside me but knew me well enough for me to of cut my hair off, new something was wrong. I was placed on birth control and things level out. But I didn't know what to do at this point in time.
Everything in my body was effected! The worst thing was I had no desire to even look at my husband for sex, and I was usually the tiger in our relationship. I could of even care less about it. I felt lost and lonely throught this physical change that you hear women say they can't wait to be through and don't miss there periods. The next phase was the night sweats and sleepless nights. So I ended up having to learn from the Internet and this was a great websit here that has given me some real insight to this path all women will face sometime in there life.
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