Monday, April 28, 2008

Perspectives on Women's Health Final Blog

Blog #15
Final Blog: This is me finally feeling better after having Pnuemonia with my best cat buddy. Hope everyone has a great summer!

What I found most interesting:
Is the topic of Substance Abuse and it is considered a form of Self-Directed Violence upon ones self! From attending Alon-Non-meetings form an old boy friend, it’s discussed at these meetings from the Alcohol Anonymous that alcoholism is a disease.

I never thought substance was a form of this type of self-mutilation. I had even posted on my blogger an essay about this type of problem which plaques many individuals and we have a high failure rate on recovery.

In our course this semester another interesting topic is cardiovascular disease.
Another is the difficulty and significance of communication between ones healthcare provider, which is a very important role in ones life. I found it interesting that a woman who is a lesbian are sometimes afraid to communicate with their health care provider. This a serious issue as well substance abuse because becoming a doctor they have take a hypocritical oath to those they treat and not to make judgment upon ones on gender or abuse of ones self; nor, enough research in this area, because we are all one.

On our global perspective I found how massive the problems plaguing Africans, and India and other countries with the issue of AIDS. The value of women needs to be raised and have more empathy for all who are afflicted. This disease is taking the young, active sexual, and leaving the aged to take care the youngest children. On a multicultural level we need to raise question why are we letting this happen in these country and let the United Nations to do more on education.

Parting thoughts!
I find an injustice in our society, which allows a covert incest religious order to support child abuse; however, our government does have to have supportive evidence in order to charge one of such an offence. So I posted a blog on Texas Mormon Sect In Texas. I found no one felt the need to post on this subject.

Another interesting issue we need to push for modernizing and equality from these tyrant cultures that feel female circumcision is the best for a woman’s body. Women in underdeveloped countries are still living in oppression where women in the United States have advanced in many ways, others on the other hand others are still suffering cultural mutilation of their genitals.

One final thought was while I was surfing the TWU website I had never looked into the opportunities the Women’s Health Studies fields has to offer. This field has many careers that one can to support one and help woman in many areas. I would never looked into this if it hadn’t been for this class.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Substance Abuse Essay

Living Addicted

Living ones life in addiction is probably at first a blissful fun time into another realm; however, after the fun is gone then ones life turns into mush! The brain is a powerful organ system tied into the wonderful nervous system of ones body. Eventually the body from substance abuse becomes a broken down non-functioning brain. Families are left in shock because of their own children freezing to death in subzero weather because of using crystal methamphetamine or any mood altering chemical. Nursing homes and mental wards are full of the ones who are still alive, but the families are left behind to deal with the aftermath. The affects of an addicted person starts off where moral decisions are made for enjoyment but end causing one to live the rest of ones life in a pitiful mess.

Morally we were given the power to choose to either use our brains to make decisions all the way from the dawn of time. Consciously one doesn’t start out life deciding I’ll be an addict and ruin our entire life and our family! We normally don’t run out into the street to be hit by an automobile, and when we do, we usually learn not to repeat that type of action. Learning curves are taught to us as human beings as we are guide by ones parent; however, when one carries the gene for alcoholism or chemical dependency one is more prone to this disease to become an addict.

Enjoying life with using a bit a substance one doesn’t see the out come of addition and the harm it can cause. Probably one started off with just either taking a drink or doing prescription drugs or a bit of recreational drug use; thus, somewhere a metaphorical switch of an invisible line is crossed after prolonged usage and one becomes an addict to whatever substance one was using at the time. Also women are more prone to becoming chemically dependent than men because a women’s body composition is different from a man’s. No human being has immunity to this disease, because we all fair game to this illness. Unfortunately, when addiction occurs in ones life one becomes a terrible self-destructive train wreck reeking havoc through ones life and destroying others who are in his or hers path like a tornado running on a rampage.

Living ones life in a chemical fog becomes a downward spiral of dehumanization. In the beginning one can tolerate certain amount of chemicals; however, over time the dependency and the amount it take to squelch the thirst eventually can never be satisfy. So an individual will keep drug-seeking behavior till one can attain the high they need to fulfill the original satisfaction. The video on the emergency phone call to the operator, the young speed addicts can’t communicate where they are at and are having hallucinations, which ends in their deaths. Addiction leads towards a person forgetting to take care of their basic needs like putting on make-up, bathing, eating regularly, and it alters ones perception of reality. Sadly enough an addict slowly starts losing mental faculties and social habits where it affects ones self-esteem. Once this vicious cycle starts one has a difficult time getting off the chemical either because one is physically addicted or has a mental obsession to the point of total dehumanization of ones self. The part of the forebrain and brain stem falsely deceive one to keep seeking till either one either dies, institutionalized, jailed, dies, or develops a wet brain!

Hopefully one day maybe science will find a simple solution for those who suffer in this malady. There are support groups like Alcoholics Anonymous who offer a solution if one follows their Twelve Steps regimen. Treatment programs also help detoxify real serious issues with withdraw symptoms. One major step is for the person to admit they have a problem and then one can seek a solution; but one has to ask for help and then the journey may be a long tenacious up hill battle towards recovery.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Texas Mormon Sect In Texas

Free Blogger
I just have to make a statement about these women in the Texas Mormon sect from San Angelo, whose children have been taken away. What an interesting subject! Why are the men letting the women do all of the talking instead them? This country does not recognize polygamy. These women are so brain washed; just as a pimp does the same to twist a young adolescent. This situation has no balance, but the children are the real victims! Please add your feedback.

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Violence, Abuse, and Harrassment and Occupational Health

Blog #14
What can a woman do to reduce her risk of assault?

Here is a new update to this very issue, I found it on the
Women and Intimate Partner Violence is a huge crime against women globally. There are many levels and different situations every day that a women faces to reduce her risk of being assaulted. I feel a woman should learn to defend herself by taking a class in self-defense. Another way it to always carry a type of weapon like a taser gun or mace. One should always leave with someone when they go to ones can in a parking lot, or use a buddy system. Carry a cell or use a whistle but unfortunately you are never ever free of this terrible crime, which is almost committed every day of a women’s lifespan.
You can do certain things to help aid in reducing your risk, but you still may despite all that you do to prevent it, you still may happen no matter what you to do!

Substance Abuse

Blog #13
Is it a sign of personal weakness or strength for a woman to admit that she has a problem with alcohol or drugs?
I personally feel it is a sign of true strength to admit that you have a problem and not a weakness. One of the original programs of the Twelve Steps of AA is step #1. We admitted we were powerless over alcohol--that our lives had become unmanageable.
So one would think this program has worked for many addicts. After one has admitted they have a problem then, one can work on there issue! This has been the foundation of this very problem. So one has to be defeated and admit they have a problem for one to start correcting it!

Mental Health

Blog #12
What should a woman do if she has a friend whom she suspects to have an eating disorder? What if the friend denies it?

“You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make him drink”

Knowing if someone has this disorder is really tricky because first off my friend in my younger days hid it pretty well. The real trick finding out was when she came in to see my Dentist that I was working for at the time! From an outward appearance she was just very thin; however, when he examine her oral cavity she had erosion of the enamel surface of all her chewing surfaces of her teeth. She claimed that it was because she use to suck on lots of lemons, but my employer said these were the signs of vomiting over and over, and the stomach acid had eaten away and pitted the enamel off her teeth.

Eventually, I did confront her but she denied it! I let her explain her rationale, but I told her what my Dentist told me and she finally admitted it. She said she had been like this for many years and said she was fine. My personal opinion is you can suggest they go get help and leave them information or give them some phones numbers. You can’t do much other than suggest!

My girl friend is still around and she has other problems now, but she is still very skinny and she can't seem to ever gain weight!