Final Blog: This is me finally feeling better after having Pnuemonia with my best cat buddy. Hope everyone has a great summer!
What I found most interesting:
Is the topic of Substance Abuse and it is considered a form of Self-Directed Violence upon ones self! From attending Alon-Non-meetings form an old boy friend, it’s discussed at these meetings from the Alcohol Anonymous that alcoholism is a disease.
I never thought substance was a form of this type of self-mutilation. I had even posted on my blogger an essay about this type of problem which plaques many individuals and we have a high failure rate on recovery.
In our course this semester another interesting topic is cardiovascular disease.
Another is the difficulty and significance of communication between ones healthcare provider, which is a very important role in ones life. I found it interesting that a woman who is a lesbian are sometimes afraid to communicate with their health care provider. This a serious issue as well substance abuse because becoming a doctor they have take a hypocritical oath to those they treat and not to make judgment upon ones on gender or abuse of ones self; nor, enough research in this area, because we are all one.
On our global perspective I found how massive the problems plaguing Africans, and India and other countries with the issue of AIDS. The value of women needs to be raised and have more empathy for all who are afflicted. This disease is taking the young, active sexual, and leaving the aged to take care the youngest children. On a multicultural level we need to raise question why are we letting this happen in these country and let the United Nations to do more on education.
Parting thoughts!
I find an injustice in our society, which allows a covert incest religious order to support child abuse; however, our government does have to have supportive evidence in order to charge one of such an offence. So I posted a blog on Texas Mormon Sect In Texas. I found no one felt the need to post on this subject.
Another interesting issue we need to push for modernizing and equality from these tyrant cultures that feel female circumcision is the best for a woman’s body. Women in underdeveloped countries are still living in oppression where women in the United States have advanced in many ways, others on the other hand others are still suffering cultural mutilation of their genitals.
One final thought was while I was surfing the TWU website I had never looked into the opportunities the Women’s Health Studies fields has to offer. This field has many careers that one can to support one and help woman in many areas. I would never looked into this if it hadn’t been for this class.