Saturday, February 23, 2008

Reproductive Tract Infections

Blog #7 STD"S

What would you tell a friend or loved one who suspected that she might have an STD but was afraid to get tested?

When talking about a personal issue about having an STD is a real serious question to ask a stranger, but if it is your friend then it might not be so hard. If you have a friend who you are extremely close to then it is not so hard to tell them. I would suggest they go to the public health clinic in there county, or go to their own personal doctor if they feel comfortable with them.
Many factors of holding off on going to a doctor for treatment can actually do more harm to themselves. I would let them know they don’t know what kind of disease or virus they may have been exposed too. Not getting treatment can be really serious and if they go and get help. That is one thing that I would insist upon. If I knew them and I had the gas and time I would ask them if they would want me to go with them.
You can only suggest things to people and if they don’t want to follow ones advice, then that is all you can do.

"Live and Let Live"


Tessa22 said...

I have had a couple of close friends come to me with issues that are either sexually related or extremely personal. It is always easy to say that you should do the right thing and tell them to be tested for an STD or pregnancy, but the truth of the matter it is not easy in many cases. If you are a good friend you will do it anyway. The public health clinic or Planned Parenthood are great suggestions for assistance. If only their were more free options for females to get help.

drichardson said...

I agree with you totally. I think that you can only suggest things to people but it is their decision. As a friend I would definitly try to encourage them to go get medical help. Alot of people think if they ignore the problem that it will just go away. I think that as a friend you should help them...even if they dont listen. STD'S are so common these days,and contracting them is happening more and more! I think that it is great that you are even willing to help them find a place....what a wonderful suggestion.

jennyluvstrucks said...

I have beeen there for several people I know in situations like that. It's the waiting that is the hardest part. Because you laready know the answer is going to be yes or no, it's the specifics you don't know.