Saturday, February 2, 2008

Sex Education and Abstinence-plus!

Blog 4-- I feel Sex Education should be taught in the nation’s public schools and I feel abstinence-plus should be a must!

Teenagers already know these things by the time they get in elementary. Unfortunately kids are learning these things from television, and I’m referring to the commercials. The funniest one is the “Hi my name is Bob” and he is holds is hand and arm in a erect pose. Selling new Viagra for men. Children talk among themselves at school and you can do all you can as a parent with controls and by monitoring them but you can’t catch them all. With the negative tension I received from my mother about becoming a young adolescent, I learned everything the hard way. My peers taught me more than my mother. I really hate to tell the whole truth about how my life. Growing up as a teenager was not fun.

For those you have seen the Stephen King’s movie “Carrie” I could relate to a mother making you feel pretty much off with the whole experience.

My mother on the menarche was not a good at informing me about the birds and the bee’s. In fact she was just down right bad; however, in fifth grade she signed a permission slip to have the school health teacher show all girls and if the parents wanted the boys to be present then they could also sit in the film. Later after the film the teacher came around and would answer any questions about it. We were given a pamphlet, which was a very basic diagram of the female and male genitals. But when my first period came I was left in shock at and just sent into the bathroom and told to clean up and she handed my a big pad with the elastic belt for those old timely ones!
When it came down to anything to do with sex my mother would hand me a book or an article to read and that was as far as it went.
My mother explanation of intercourse was you laid besides each other and then you just got pregnant. Nothing else was, so my concept was pretty lame. It was only until a girl in High School told me the real facts!
The real truth about sex from my mother was shame base and you didn’t have sex until you were married and if you did it before then you were pretty much going to hell.


Patty Ferguson-Reyher said...

Hi Kathleen, Thank you for sharing your experience about sex education with us all. I agree with you whole-heartedly that sex education should be taught in school from day one. I do think that it should be taught as a natural part of studying the human body system. In that context of information about each and every part of our bodies, what they look like, what they do, how they do it, and what kind of conditions can mess up the whole works.

It is a shame that many young girls do not know the first thing about their reproductive organs, sexual mother explained all about periods, ovulation...but I never got the information about having an orgasm...the first time I had an orgasm was well after my first child was born. That was an eye opener, and from that point on I knew that sex was not just a big ol' waste of time. It is no wonder that many women are frustrated and cranky...what if a man had sex for years without ever experiencing an orgasm...I think they would be more than a little cranky.

Destiny said...


I agree that sex education should be taught in school. Like your situation some parents do not talk to their children about sex. So the only way for them to learn about it is in school or on the T.V. Sometimes learning about sex through the television will not always be a good thing. There are several shows and commercials that portray sex in the wrong way. There are many young girls who go through the same situation as you therefore, that is why I believe that it is important for sex education to be taught in schools. Thanks for sharing your story.

Donna said...

Sex education as a "natural part of studying the human body system" sounds like a great idea. Kathleen, sounds like you were given about as much information as I was. Some parents are just not comfortable with the subject and probably their parents weren't either.
Hopefully we can educate ourselves and our children with the help of the schools to feel comfortable with their sexuality.
I believe orgasim is very neglected in sex ed at home.(not sure about school sex ed) Great antidote on orgasim, Patty.

skymom said...

I expressed in my blog that my mom wasn't very good with the information either. She handed me this little book and said read this and let me know if you have questions. Well, to tell you the truth I never even read it. It was this little book series you got when you bought some encyclopedia!I think young kids need to be talked to and taught the true facts about how the body works and contraception choices.

elizabeth ryan said...


I'm sorry to hear that your mom was such a hard woman. That is the biggest injustice a young girl could have growing up. Growing up and trying to figure out the world is tough enough. But then to have the one woman who could give you the most wisdom and guidance making it that much harder is just unspeakable.

I agree with you that knowledge is power, especially when it comes to subjects like sex. You're right when you say kids all talk about it. Peers are a large piece of the puzzle when it comes to gaining sexual knowledge. Unfortunately, it then becomes the blind leading the blind. They are just as confused and lost as their friends. How are they ever going to find the wisdom they need? Parents should play a very vital role and where parents can't (or won't) fill in, then other mentors should pick up. I feel like it is important that both males and females should understand the purpose of having a sexual realtionship before they have one.

Kathleen Jenkins said...

MySelf posting here...Thanks for the post on this subject especially Patty!

I forgot the organism business. Yeah it about three years latter before I found out about that one too...made me remember.